It becomes a cause set in motion.”ģ1.“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.”ģ2.“Enjoy making decisions. No season lasts forever because all of life is a cycle of planting, reaping, resting, and renewal.”ģ0.“Realize that decision making is a kind of act in itself, so a good definition for a decision might be “information acted upon.” You know you’ve truly made a decision when action flows from it. A metaphor that I use to remind myself of this is comparing life’s ups and downs to the changing of the seasons. In order to succeed, we need to discipline ourselves to consistently think long term. Most of the challenges that we have in our personal lives-like indulging constantly in overeating, drinking, or smoking, to feeling overwhelmed and giving up on our dreams-come from a short-term focus.”Ģ8.“Deciding to commit yourself to long-term results, rather than short-term fixes, is as important as any decision you’ll make in your lifetime.”Ģ9.“Often, what seems impossible in the short term becomes very possible in the long term if you persist. ”Ģ7.“In order to succeed, you must have a long-term focus.

Good judgment is the result of experience, and experience is often the result of bad judgment!”Ģ6.“It’s not about your resources, it’s about your resourcefulness. 25.“Success truly is the result of good judgment.